Administrator Resources – Digital Promise

Administrator Resources

Administrator Resources

Internationalization of curriculum helps community colleges meet their goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. It serves as the perfect vehicle to create a culture of collaborative learning that transcends diversity and prepares students for jobs in an economy that requires knowledge of global issues and the ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds. The professional development tools and resources included in the A Future-Ready Workforce: Preparing Community College Students for the Global Economy program, will assist faculty in your technical programs to internationalize their course and add a global perspective to industry partnerships, including work-based learning.

  • Administrator’s Guide – This guide is filled with tools, resources, and inquiry questions to assist you in internationalizing your technical programs.
  • ACTE Quality CTE Framework – This framework from ACTE helps administrators answer the questions: What is high-quality CTE? How should this term be defined, and can it be used to evaluate programs, determine areas for targeted improvements, and recognize successful elements that should be scaled? The framework is designed to apply to individual, local CTE programs of study spanning secondary and postsecondary education, although it may be adapted to other units of analysis. This voluntary tool can be used for program self-evaluation, program improvement and to encourage secondary-postsec- ondary collaboration.
  • Internationalizing CTE Self-Reflection Tool – The Longview Foundation created a self-reflection tool to assist institutions and CTE programs in their internationalization efforts.This tool gives you an opportunity to consider the level of development in your CTE program internationalization efforts, in these areas: Institutional Commitment; CTE Program Commitment; Program Leadership, Structure, and Staffing; Faculty Policy and Practices; Curriculum, Co-Curriculum, and Learning Outcomes; Collaboration and Partnerships; and Student Field Experiences.
  • Talking Points: This section of the CTE Toolkit provides statistics and key messages you can use to make the case to educators, administrators, parents, students, the business community, and others that global education is critical to preparing students to be career ready.


  • Ivy Tech: At Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana, faculty members from business, education, humanities, healthcare, life science, and technology have worked to build global perspectives and competencies into courses. Ivy Tech leaders also launched a Global Workforce Skills Certificate specifically aimed at knowledge of the global economy, the global workplace, communicating across borders, and geopolitics. Learn more (see page 11).
  • Austin Community College: At Austin Community College District in Austin, Texas, global education faculty learning communities allow faculty to incorporate global topics, such as global citizenship and human rights, into their courses. Learn more.

Want to learn more? Start by taking the Preparing Community College Students for a Global Economy Introductory Module to learn about global competence for career readiness. Then be sure to watch Module 2: Developing a High-Quality Internationalized CTE Program, a short 15-minute online professional development module that provides an overview of learning needs of today’s diverse community college students, ACTE’s High Quality CTE Framework, and tools to connect global competence to career fields.

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