Career and Technical Education – Digital Promise

Career and Technical Education

Professional Mechanical Engineer team Working on Personal Computer at Metal lathe industrial manufacturing factory. Engineer Operating lathe Machinery. Product quality Inspection

Today, young people are entering a workforce that is more global than ever before. Career and technical education (CTE or vocational education) educators face a critical new imperative: to prepare all students for work and civic roles in a world where success increasingly requires the ability to compete, connect, and cooperate on an international scale.

Preparing students for a global workforce.

Rapid economic, technological, and social changes are creating a world that is ever more interconnected. To take advantage of global market opportunities and prepare for the future, companies must hire workers with global competence—that is, the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance.

Digital Promise has partnered with organizations, such as the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) and Advance CTE, and experts to develop professional development courses and resources to assist CTE educators with incorporating global skills into their courses.

Interested in exploring global partnership opportunities with Digital Promise? Learn more here


Explore the variety of free resources that Digital Promise offers to help CTE educators boost their knowledge and skills around global competence and to encourage students to do the same – from sample project plans that are geared toward integrating global content into courses to self-paced, online training modules for educators and students.

Listen & Learn

From automotive to information technology (IT), hear from a range of industry leaders about how our world is becoming increasingly global and what this means for today’s workforce.

Dive Deeper

Digital Promise offers customized training workshops (both virtually and in-person) for faculty and administrators on integrating global skills and content into courses and CTE programs. Half, full, and multi-day options are available for a fee.* Contact Heather Singmaster at to learn more.

Global Competence Through CTE: Workforce Readiness Skills for a Global Economy

Delivering Engaging Instruction for ALL Students: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Building Stronger Work Based Learning Connections Through Global Connections

Do It Yourself Global Collaboration



Two-Day Workshop

$4,500 plus travel

One-Day Workshop

$2,500 plus travel

Half-Day Workshop

$1,750 plus travel


Two-Day Workshop

$4,500 plus travel


One-Day Workshop

$2,500 plus travel


Half-Day Workshop

$1,750 plus travel

Virtual options are also available. Please contact Heather Singmaster at to learn more.
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