In 2022, Estonia will serve as a case study to frame our annual symposium. Since 1998, Estonia’s growth strategy has focused on becoming an information society and to support this goal, the government has created an innovative national curriculum emphasizing problem solving, critical thinking, and information technology. The curriculum has been revised multiple times since then and these innovations, together with the IT infrastructure, resulted in an immediate and smooth pivot to online/hybrid learning as COVID began. Estonia emerged as a top performer on OECD’s PISA 2012, ranking in the top tier in science and close to the top in reading and mathematics among all participating countries and regions. By 2018, Estonia had become a top performer globally in all three subjects and the highest performer in Europe. We believe that Tallinn will be the ideal place to resume the conversations we began in our 2021 virtual symposium on multiple modalities of learning and pedagogy in service of deeper learning as well as assessment, recognition, and credentialing in a post-COVID world.
Learning Ecosystems: The Power of Technology and New Pedagogies: What is the future of learning in hybrid and blended modalities? Learning takes place in multiple places with multiple people, it is no longer digital versus non-digital.
New Ambitions for Learning and the Central Role of Digital Literacy
The Teaching Profession: Teacher Preparation and Teacher Leadership: Building a collaborative profession. Partnering with allied professionals from outside education.
Assessment, Recognition, and Credentialing: How do we broaden our assessment and credentialing systems to recognize complex competencies? What are best practice examples from GCEN members as well as from around the world?