Global Education – Digital Promise

Global Education

Our Global Education practice is bringing together a diverse global coalition reimagining education in order to shape the future of learning and build equitable systems.

Digital Promise’s vision is a world where every learner can engage in powerful learning experiences that lead to a life of well-being, fulfillment, and economic mobility. Our research, frameworks and products reach thousands of educators and learners across the world.

Map showing where Digital Promise is doing its Global Education Work. 9 Countries: Adopted Learner Variability, 10 Cities: Participating in GCEN Global Network, 11 Countries: Using Reinvent the Classroom Haiti: Deep on-the-ground implementation

Our Global Education practice brings together diverse partners from around the world – from governments and system leaders to educators and learners – to shape the future of teaching and learning. Pulling from our knowledge and expertise in these areas, we offer an array of opportunities for global education leaders and organizations to partner with us to develop relevant, transformative education solutions.

Explore global partnership opportunities with Digital Promise.

Our Teaching & Learning in Remote & Hybrid Learning Environments in Haiti (TRLE: Haiti) pilot has been working with local partners since early 2022. We are building the capabilities of Haitian educators to deliver high-quality, culturally relevant learning using digital tools in order to “leapfrog” inequities and close the digital divide in learning opportunities and outcomes for young people.

An image of Haiti with a laptop showing internet connectivity

Our Global Cities Education Network (GCEN), acquired from Asia Society in 2022, is a unique international learning community of city school systems from across the world. The network seeks to collectively develop responses to systemic education problems, ultimately improving education for all learners.

Digital Promise recognizes the need to prepare all learners for work and civic roles in a world where success increasingly requires the ability to compete, connect, and cooperate on an international scale. Digital Promise has partnered with organizations to develop professional development courses and resources that can help Career and Technical Education (CTE) educators incorporate global competence education into their work.

Improving learning with the power of technology

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