The Learning Studio has supported an excitement about thinking that is palpable in my 2nd grade classroom.
Students at Mundaring Primary School in Australia are tackling a STEM challenge with a twist.
As part of a science unit, students at James Morden School are educating their community.
Students at South Fayette Middle School in McDonald, PA are exploring the parts and purposes of everyday items.
Students in Boston are using the HP Sprout to design Cinema 4D motion graphics.
Students at Fletcher Elementary School in Cambridge, Vermont don't stop when they hit a challenge.
Students at Escola Ramon Fuster in Bellaterra, Spain are creating a model for sustainable cities of the future.
Using the Makey Makey Invention Kits, students at Conley Elementary in Chandler, AZ are creating circuits.
Students made use of the 3-D printer, wood carving, clay and styrofoam modeling, and an array of craft materials.
Students at Marrickville High School in Australia create a campaign to increase enrollment of girls at their school.
Two students at MET Professional Academy are designing a prosthetic arm that can be built by the user.
Students at Winterboro High School create their own video games and game controllers.
Students at Escola Ramon Fuster use empathy to design for a blind classmate.
A student at Skyview High School worked with school custodial staff to solve a a real-world problem in the Learning Studio.
Students at Leadership Public School, Hayward designed visual compositions to illustrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals.