When every student has access to technology, it amplifies educators’ ability to facilitate students’ consistent access to powerful learning experiences.
Inviting students to be co-creators of their own learning pathways can contribute to an inclusive, engaged learning environment that fosters student agency, meaning the capacity to actively participate in making choices in service of learning goals1. It also provides an opportunity for educators to center students’ experience and voice to determine what, when, and how they learn.
Designing with—not just for—your students can be transformative in reimagining students’ and teachers’ roles in the learning process2. This is called co-design, and within a school setting it might look like:
Giving students the freedom to explore can lead to impactful results. Check out the video about Samya, a student leader at Lamar Middle School, to see the impact that co-design and student-centered learning with technology had on her experience as a learner.
The following ideas for enabling students as digital learners are divided into two categories: (1) project and challenge-based learning and (2) career and college readiness. Many educators may find the first category more applicable to middle school grades and the second category to high school grades; however, all ideas can be used in both settings.
Remember: there is no one-size-fits-all all idea for students! We encourage educators to embrace learner variability3 to identify the strategies and resources that work best for their own students, regardless of category.
These ideas focus on engaging students in authentic project- and challenge-based learning opportunities that foster students’ creativity with technology and build foundational digital skills.
These ideas focus on cultivating students’ career and college readiness and providing work-based learning opportunities, particularly in STEM-related fields.
Additional Resources
CAST. “The Goal of UDL: Learner Agency.” Udlguidelines.cast.org, 2024, https://udlguidelines.cast.org/more/udl-goal/.
Corio, Larry, and Adha Mengis. “How to Co-Design Better Schools.” Www.ideo.com, Nov. 2020, https://www.ideo.com/journal/how-to-co-design-better-schools.
Pape, Barbara. (n.d.) “Learner variability is the rule, not the exception.” Digital Promise. https://digitalpromise.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Learner-Variability-Is-The-Rule.pdf
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