Maker Learning Leadership Framework – Digital Promise

Maker Learning Leadership Framework

Maker Learning Leadership

The Maker Learning Leadership Framework is designed to help schools develop a pathway to sustainable, equitable, and powerful maker learning programs for all learners.

Where to Start

If you are just getting started with maker learning, begin by reviewing the “What is Maker Learning?” and “Establishing Your Vision” resources. If you are improving or expanding your existing maker learning program, dive in and use the Maker Learning Maturity Matrix to gauge where you are and to set new goals. The tools in the Framework may be accessed and used in any order to build capacity for maker learning throughout your school.

Building Support Systems

No matter your role, engage support for maker learning with administrators, faculty and staff, and the community.

Teaching & Learning

Meaningfully integrate maker learning skills and practices into teaching and learning throughout your school.

Acquisition & Allocation

High tech or low, fixed or mobile, ensure your maker tools and spaces meet your goals and your learners' needs.

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