What is Maker Learning? – Digital Promise

What is Maker Learning?

Maker learning isn’t a subject or a space; it is the embodiment of Powerful Learning that is rooted in being personal and accessible; authentic and challenging; collaborative and connected; and inquisitive and reflective.

Maker Learning
Personal & Accessible

& Accessible

Learners own the process as they work to build meaningful physical and digital products. By tapping learners’ interests and talents, engagement and accessibility increase investment in the learning process.

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Personal & Accessible

& Challenging

Maker learning is rooted in real and relevant skills, concepts, and issues. Learners are challenged in core content, maker modalities, and their combined impact on the real world.

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Personal & Accessible

& Connected

Learners work together to harness the skills and knowledge of their peers and the local and global community. These connections create opportunities for learners to make meaningful change alongside those who share their passions.

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Personal & Accessible

& Reflective

Maker learning is a hands-on way to answer questions and find new questions to ask. It is an iterative process with a continuous feedback and development loop, allowing for introspection and reflection on process, product, and impact.

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