Specifically, globally competent students are able to:
While it is important to examine the four capacities above individually, global competence is best seen as an integrated outlook on the world—not a collection of independent skills.
These skills are required and highly desirable when considering the Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications pathway and there are a wide range of applications within it. We are reminded that communicating – whether through art, technology, or information delivery – unites our world. This reality requires a deep understanding of the global nature of this field for those who choose specialize in it.
UN Sustainable Development Goal #6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Project on sustainable sanitation (Word version)
Use this blank project planning template to plan your own global CTE project! (Can be used on your own, or in conjunction with Module 2 of the Global CTE PD Course).
The Common Career Technical Core is a common set of CTE standards created for each of Advance CTE’s 16 Career Cluster areas. This document crosswalks the Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications cluster with the four domains of global competence, demonstrating the clear alignment between global education and careers in this field. This crosswalk is also filled with ideas of global projects that can support the standards taught in each of the career pathways.
Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications Standards Crosswalked to Global Competence