Meeting History and Agendas – Digital Promise

Meeting History and Agendas


Global Cities Education Network (GCEN) members gather annually for a dynamic, three-day learning experience that includes school site visits, collaborative exchanges, and presentations from experts, with a focus on issues identified by the cities and facilitated by those on the cutting edge of practice and policy. Ten symposia have been held:

Working Groups

In between meetings and building off the cities agreed-upon areas of focus, the network has engaged in studies and formed working groups. Past topics include:

  1. Developing and sustaining a high-quality teaching force;
  2. Career and technical education (CTE/VET);
  3. Developing 21st century competencies;
  4. Equitable Systems Transformation; and
  5. Social Emotional Learning/Learning Differences

Started in 2014, the working groups utilize case studies and background materials to participate in expert-led workshops. Within these working groups, cities will strive to collaboratively transform best practice discussion into policy and practice change. Currently, there are two working groups: Equitable Systems Transformation and Social Emotional Learning and Learning Differences.

Equitable Systems Tranformation

Social Emotional Learning/Learning Differences

Developing and Sustaining a High-Quality Teaching Force

Career and Technical Education

Developing 21st Century Competencies

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