Work-Based Learning - International Connections – Digital Promise

Work-Based Learning – International Connections

International Industry Connections

The need to develop a workforce with skills for the global market is very real and critical to industry success. Business partnerships are increasingly seen as having the potential for reducing the existing skills mismatch by providing cost effective training and promoting smooth transitions between school and the world of work. Through these business connections, educators have an opportunity to reinforce skills needed to work in a global economy, such as teamwork, leadership, and communication. Here are tools to help you get started.

Professional Development Modules

The new program, A Future Ready Workforce: Preparing Community College Students for Success in a Global Economy, features short 15-minute online professional development modules for technical faculty at postsecondary institutions. These modules are available for free (log-in required) in partnership with ACTE. Two modules specifically address industry partnerships and work-based learning:

  • Faculty Module 7: Engaging Industry Partners for International Success 
    Industry partnerships and advisory boards give form and structure to stakeholder engagement, and there is no alternative to understand the knowledge and skills employees need to be successful. This module will focus on key strategies and approaches for faculty to fully engage industry partners in programmatic improvement to ensure global workplace readiness of their program completers.
  • Faculty Module 8: Internationalizing Work-Based Learning 
    Engaging work-based learning (WBL) experiences that allow students to take part in the diverse workforce and to see the interdependence of the global marketplace is the best way to develop global competence skills. This module will provide an overview of how interconnected we are with the global economy, successful learning components and strategies to internationalize work-based learning, and how to align the learning goals of CTE programs and international workforce needs.

Student Assignments

  • Industry Analysis Assignment: Students can explore the global nature of industries or companies using the questions posed in this assignment.


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