Administration – Digital Promise


Maker Learning Leadership Administration
Learn from administrators at the district and school levels about their maker learning programs and how administrator support has been critical in creating opportunities for all learners to make.

Where does your administration fall on the Maker Learning Maturity Matrix? See the complete matrix here.

The Development and Growth of the Maker Movement in Sonoma County Schools

This case study lays out the how Sonoma County Schools district leadership has cultivated a maker education network across their K-12 schools. Highlights include the district’s “maker core values,” program overviews, professional learning approaches, and further reading.

Transforming a School District, One Classroom at a Time
Remake Learning’s case study of the Elizabeth Forward School District chronicles their journey to reshape the district’s priorities around maker learning.

Making Culture Recommendations
Drexel University’s ExCite Center compiled a list of maker learning recommendations based on their year-long national study of makerspaces. The full report can be downloaded here.

Every school’s vision for maker learning can look different. Visit the Establishing Your Vision page to learn more about an administrator’s role in working with stakeholders to shape your school’s approach to maker learning. Some examples of school leaderships’ visions for maker learning include:

Want to hear from more administrators?

  • Watch the video series “Why Make?” In these videos, educational leaders detail how they see the benefits of learning through doing, personalizing learning, creating the conditions to explore and innovate, learning together, and inspiring creativity.
  • Read the questions that maker-minded administrators are most frequently asked — and their answers.
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