Pedagogies & Practices – Digital Promise

Pedagogies & Practices

Maker Learning Leadership Pedagogies and Practices
Maker learning is a combination of research-supported pedagogies that create opportunities for students to authentically create meaningful physical and digital products. Upgrade your understanding of these methods and integrate them within your practice.

Where do your pedagogies and practices fall on the Maker Learning Maturity Matrix? See the complete matrix here.


Dos and Don’ts on Designing for Accessibility
From the accessibility group Home Office Digital, Karwai Pun, an interaction designer, created posters communicating the dos and don’ts of designing for accessibility.

Learning Creative Learning
In this free MIT online course, explore what it means to facilitate creative learning through projects and readings along with a community of educators, designers, and tinkerers.

Challenge-Based Learning
The Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) Framework can be used to design maker learning experiences that incorporate the key Powerful Learning principles of being personal, authentic, and collaborative.

Project-Based Learning (PBL Works)
The Buck Institute for Education’s Project-Based Learning (PBL) resource provides tips for getting started with PBL, corresponding research, sample projects, and planning guides.

Maker Ed: Projects and Learning Approaches
Explore projects, curriculum samples, examples of facilitation methods and practices, and the pedagogies and values aligned with making from Maker Ed’s Projects and Learning Approachers.

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