Maker Learning Resources – Digital Promise

Maker Learning Resources

Maker Learning Leadership Framework
The Maker Learning Leadership Framework is a tool to help educators develop a sustainable maker learning program that serves all learners. Informed by the work of maker learning leaders, researchers, and practitioners, the Framework highlights resources, strategies, and models for starting and expanding maker learning programs.

filmMAKER™ Challenge Guide
The Digital Promise filmMAKER™ Challenge, supported by Chevron, was an opportunity for middle and high school students to learn real-world skills about product design and filmmaking through a set of activities, projects, and challenges. These experiences culminated in a final project: redesigning an everyday object to make it more sustainable, accessible, or beautiful and creating a documentary video that tells the story of the process.The filmMAKER™ Challenge Guide contains activities, projects, and video challenges to help students build the skills they need for the Challenge.

Learning Studios Project Library
Learning Studios were piloted in over 70 schools around the world. The Learning Studios program helps teachers leverage powerful technology for design and production to help students develop skills in design thinking and social innovation. Explore the Learning Studios Project Library for resources to develop design-centered learning experiences.

Maker Ed Micro-credentials
Micro-credentials are research-backed, expert-assessed representations of learned skills or competencies that can be presented as a digital badge. In partnership with Digital Promise and our micro-credential platform, Maker Ed has developed “Getting Started with Making,” a set of six maker education micro-credentials. Maker Ed’s set of micro-credentials focuses on six of the skills crucial to educators looking to develop and expand their skills as maker educators.

5 Steps to Advocate for Maker Learning
Developed in partnership with Maker Ed and Nation of Makers, this five-step guide is a resource for community members on how to advocate for maker learning opportunities for students.

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