Digital Promise is collaborating with Pearson to conduct a landscape scan of the assessment models districts are using to recognize and track student growth in Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) competencies. These competencies, such as creativity and critical thinking, are complex and not easily captured by traditional assessments. To address this challenge, participants in this cohort will share their current or proposed assessment strategies, reflect on the pros and cons of different approaches, and generate insights into how to design, implement, and learn from meaningful assessment tools that integrate PoG competencies into teaching and learning.
A select group of districts will participate in an in-person meeting to share insights and learn about PoG assessment methods, scheduled for the week of July 28 or August 4. Additionally, districts may have the opportunity to provide feedback on assessment prototypes previously developed by Pearson. All participants will attend 1 to 3 one-hour Zoom meetings with other districts, facilitated by Digital Promise staff.
Please fill out the form below to receive the unique interest form in your inbox. After submitting the interest form, a Digital Promise team member will contact you to schedule a Zoom call with the district superintendent and the person leading the PoG efforts in your district. During the call, we will learn more about your PoG initiatives and the assessments you have created or put into practice, and we will provide additional information about the cohort and the next steps.
Report: "Shifting Education with Learning Pathways: Becoming Your Portrait of a Graduate"
Submit the short form below to receive an email with detailed information about the opportunity, how to apply, and a direct application link. If you have any questions or do not receive an email, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at