Implementation Cohorts – Digital Promise

Implementation Cohorts

Blue graphic with the text "Implementation Cohorts" plus icons and Digital Promise's logo

Current Implementation Cohorts

Starting in 2024, League and Global Cities Education Network (GCEN) members embarked on international learning opportunities around two key topics: whole child development and the future of tech-enabled learning. Explore the topics below.

Whole Child Development: Centering Our Most Marginalized Learners

The Whole Child Development Implementation Cohort consists of ten school districts and jurisdictions from the United States and Canada across the League and GCEN networks. These members are provided with practical strategies and solutions to help them transform education to meet the needs not only of future learners, but of their current learners who are struggling with a sense of belonging, fewer opportunities that address their learning variability, and the lasting academic and mental health effects of the pandemic.

Expert facilitators help cohort members to exchange ideas and collaboratively transform promising practices into policy and practice. The professional learning experiences – including training workshops, case studies, and an international study tour to Helsinki, Finland – are co-designed with participants and partners to ensure we are meeting the needs of all implementation cohort members.

Participating League and GCEN Members

Cohort Learning Model

The Whole Child implementation cohort was designed as an 18-month engagement. During this time, participating members will meet regularly with each other and Digital Promise staff to engage in a collaborative learning experience.

Fall/Winter 2024

Consultation on the Learner Variability Navigator and professional learning resources with Jessica Jackson, director of professional learning.

October 2024

“Setting the Context for Finland” webinar with Pasi Sahlberg, Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Melbourne, Australia. See recording here.

November 2024

International study tour to Helsinki, Finland.

December 2024

Finland debrief webinar with Pasi Sahlberg, Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and peer sharing.

January 2025

Learner Variability & The Navigator Workshop: A “train-the-trainer approach” to highlighting the key research findings on learner variability, why a whole child approach matters especially for neurodiverse students, and the Learner Variability Navigator (LVN) research-based tool.

February 2025

Designing for the Whole Learner Workshop: A strength-based approach to instructional systems like MTSS and the IEP process. Look at strength-based learning research, discuss the shifts in mindsets and practices this requires, and practice the three key skills educators and leaders need to master to create strength-based systems.

March 2025

Leveraging Technology for Whole Child Development and Social Emotional Learning: One hour joint webinar with the Future of Tech-Enabled Learning Implementation Cohort. Details to come.

April 2025

Student Well-Being and Social Media: One hour joint webinar with the Future of Tech-Enabled Learning Implementation Cohort. Details to come.

May 2025

Teaching Students about Learner Variability: The more students understand themselves as learners the better they can navigate the learning process and advocate for their needs. This is critical for classrooms that want to leverage technology for more personalized learning. In this 90 minute workshop, we’ll look at how to teach students about learner variability, explore sample lesson plans, and use the Learner Variability Navigator to identify ways to support personalized learning.

June 2025

Peer sharing and check-in on action plans.

July-August 2025

Off for summer vacation.


Training sessions with CAST on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Details to come.

November-December 2025

Additional webinars to be determined based on progress on action plans and/or member needs.

Future of Tech-Enabled Learning

image of one male and one female student showing two female adults something on a laptop
Hosted and designed by Ceibal and Digital Promise, the Future of Tech-Enabled Learning Implementation Cohort focuses on effective global practices to transform education using new technologies and pedagogical practices. In addition to members of the League and GCEN, this learning opportunity will bring together teams from Uruguay as well as partners of Digital Promise and Ceibal across Latin America, including from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Honduras.

Content and training will be provided around multiple themes to be decided collaboratively with participating members. Potential themes include:

  • What are the digital skills and general global competencies needed for success in the evolving workforce and our interconnected world?
  • Digital equity is paramount for providing education for all students. What systems have achieved digital equity and what lessons can be learned?
  • What skills do leaders need to successfully manage technology projects?
  • How does technology impact pedagogy, including traditional and new practices?

Participating League and GCEN Members

Cohort Learning Model

The Future of Tech-Enabled Learning implementation cohort was designed as an 18-month engagement. Now underway, participating members meet regularly with each other and Digital Promise staff to engage in a collaborative learning experience. Learning opportunities for participants include:

Planning Guidance
Online Learning Series and Technical Assistance
On-Site Learning Experience
Tools and Resources

To guide their learning, teams will focus on a specific problem of practice and will receive guidance in designing a plan for adapting and piloting best practice to address it.

Digital Promise and Ceibal will lead an ongoing, online learning series designed to assist participants in addressing challenges they face in their everyday work. The series will feature strategies, exemplars, and expert perspectives from the United States, Canada, Latin America, and more.

In May of 2025, Ceibal will host an in-person symposium for all participants. During this event, participants will attend school site visits and join in facilitated activities to refine their action plans and learn about new practices.

Participants will gain access to related documentation and dissemination of
lessons learned.

Planning Guidance

To guide their learning, teams will focus on a specific problem of practice and will receive guidance in designing a plan for adapting and piloting best practice to address it.

Online Learning Series and Technical Assistance

Digital Promise and Ceibal will lead an ongoing, online learning series designed to assist participants in addressing challenges they face in their everyday work. The series will feature strategies, exemplars, and expert perspectives from the United States, Canada, Latin America, and more.

On-Site Learning Experience

In May of 2025, Ceibal will host an in-person symposium for all participants. During this event, participants will attend school site visits and join in facilitated activities to refine their action plans and learn about new practices.

Tools and Resources

Participants will gain access to related documentation and dissemination of
lessons learned.

June 2024-April 2025

Professional development webinars and virtual meetings exploring the following topics:

  • AI Acceptable Use Policies and AI Literacy
  • Competencies for Leaders Integrating Digital Technologies (including AI) into Competency-Based Education
  • Competencies for Teachers Integrating Digital Technologies (including AI) into Competency-Based Education
  • AI and Social Emotional Well-Being
  • Going Deeper: Co-Constructing Learning with Students
May 5-9, 2025

In-person study tour to Montevideo, Uruguay.

June-October 2025

Participating implementation cohort members implement best practices.

October-December 2025

Evaluation and sharing of results, including lessons learned and strategies implemented.

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