League Learning Collaboratives – Digital Promise

League Learning Collaboratives

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Current League Learning Collaboratives 

Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, League members will engage in a variety of topics through League Learning Collaboratives. Explore the topics below and learn more about the Learning Collaborative model directly from the superintendents who lead them.


High School Redesign

High school redesign icon

As the future of work and our society rapidly change, it is critical that education leaders contemplate and take action to transform education to best prepare students for this new landscape. Leveraging the Education 4.0 framework, which outlines “eight transformations for learning content and delivery in primary and secondary education,” League members will have the opportunity to discuss, learn, and take action to reimagine the high school experience to meet the demands of the future and empower scholars to embrace and develop their uniquely human qualities.

Facilitator: Dr. Michael Nagler, Superintendent, Mineola Public Schools (New York)

Dr. Nagler believes strongly in Mineola Public Schools’ mission to inspire students to become lifelong learners that exhibit strength of character and contribute positively to a global society. During his more than 18 years with the district, he has been a big proponent of using technology to engage students in rigorous content. Dr. Nagler has also been instrumental in creating a platform to assess student learning using electronic portfolios and digital badges.

Headshot photo of Dr. Michael Nagler

Facilitator: Dr. Baron Davis, Senior Advisor, Digital Promise

Dr. Baron Davis is a distinguished educational leader and former school district superintendent with nearly three decades of experience in spearheading transformative initiatives within K-12 education. As CEO and Founder of The Noegenesis Group, LLC, Dr. Davis empowers educational leaders and organizations in achieving their full potential through solution-focused strategies and tactical implementation. As senior advisor at Digital Promise, he champions inclusivity in educational innovation and technology.

If we don’t address this [topic], our students in the U.S. may not be globally competitive in the very near future. They may not develop the necessary skills and abilities to succeed in the future global workforce.

Dr. Baron Davis, Senior Advisor, Digital Promise

Student Voice and Engagement

Student Voice & Engagement icons

League members will have the opportunity to discuss and share best practices around authentic student voice and engagement structures at the school and district levels. The goal is to support League members in building their capacity to empower and engage students by developing tailored approaches to authentically and purposefully include student voices in decision-making, program development, and campus daily life. Throughout the collaborative, members will share and co-create resources to support this work.

Facilitator: Dr. Julie Mitchell, Former Superintendent, Rowland Unified School District (California)

With 35 years of experience in public education, Dr. Mitchell is committed to providing all students with an exceptional educational experience which will assist them with becoming thriving members of an ever-changing global society. Her leadership brought a laser focus and unwavering vision and commitment to “Innovative Learning for All” that supports the individual needs of students, families, and staff.

Headshot photo of Dr. Julie Mitchell

[We will] support schools and districts with practical ways to put students front and center in the room, with a seat at the table with leaders, staff, and other adults.

Dr. Julie Mitchell, Former Superintendent, Rowland Unified School District (California)

Digital Equity

Digital Equity icon

This learning collaborative will focus on the five domains of Digital Promise’s Digital Equity Framework: Leadership for Digital Transformation; Coherent Systems, Resources, and Policies; Consistent Access to Devices and Connectivity; Digital Competency; and Powerful Learning Propelled by Technology. Over the course of a year, League members will explore, refine, and enhance their current digital equity practices through collaborative, cross-functional discussions.

Facilitator: Dr. Nathan Fisher, Superintendent, Roselle Public Schools (New Jersey)

Dr. Fisher has served in numerous roles across Roselle Public Schools for more than three decades, including as the former principal of a 2020 National School of Character. As superintendent, Dr. Fisher has implemented numerous character education, SEL, and digital initiatives. He is an active member of the League and has spearheaded Roselle’s involvement in various Digital Promise projects, including Data Interoperability, Inclusive Innovation, LeanLab, and Verizon Innovative Learning Schools.

Headshot of Superintendent Nathan Fisher

Ultimately, my vision is to create a more just and equitable society where technology elevates everyone, not just a select privy few.

Dr. Nathan Fisher, Superintendent, Roselle Public Schools (New Jersey)

*League members had the opportunity to explore the new Digital Equity Framework at the League Fall 2024 Convening in Lindsay, California, which served as a launchpad for the Digital Equity Learning Collaborative.
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