Establishing Your Vision – Digital Promise

Establishing Your Vision

Where is your maker learning program headed, and how will you know that it is on the right track?

Illustration of star in circle

Follow your North Star, not your GPS. Having a vision about your maker learning program does not necessarily mean that you can see its final destination. Instead, think of the vision as the point of reference that will guide your work, helping to keep it pointed in the right direction. If you don’t have a vision yet, or need help shaping the one you currently have, the following resources can help you on your way.

Envisioning a Culturally Relevant Maker Learning Program*
Equitable access to maker learning experiences must be at the center of any programmatic efforts. Using “Envisioning a culturally relevant maker learning program,” build your maker learning program around the strengths and assets that already exist within your community.
*Note: this document is also available as a .docx, for your modification.

Values Mapping Grid
Maker Ed’s Values Mapping Grid is a tool that can be used to help identify what your school values in a prospective or existing maker learning program. These values can, in turn, be used to shape the vision.

Vision Statement Tool
The Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, in partnership with Maker Ed, created the Vision Statement Tool designed to “surface the goal(s) of your makerspace or maker activities as a learning environment or program.”

Learner Journey
Autodesk’s Learner Journey worksheet places the students at the forefront of your maker learning work. Spend time thinking about what learners say, do, feel, and know as they move through a prospective maker learning program.

Making a Makerspace? Guidelines for Accessibility and Universal Design
University of Washington’s AccessEngineering project produced this guide to ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities to fully participate in maker spaces and maker programming.

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